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Improving Sustainability Performance While Reducing Cost

Enabling industrial water conservation via data driven decisions

Over $60M in cost savings after the year of deployment, projecting over $140M of cost savings the following year with the program

Over 9 billion gallons of water have been saved per year

Executive Summary

Over $60M in cost savings after the year of deployment, projecting over $140M of cost savings the following year with the program

Over 9 billion gallons of water have been saved per year

Executive Summary

Standardized CSR Reporting 

supported robust corporate sustainability reports

Data Driven Decision

Supported objective, accurate, creating data driven reporting

Over $60M in cost savings after the year of deployment, projecting over $140M of cost savings the following year with the program

Over 9 billion gallons of water have been saved per year

Executive Summary


10+ Sites

Corporate Sustainability Support


Project Name

Project Scale

Over 9 billion gallons of water have been saved per year

Over $60M in cost savings after the year of deployment, projecting over $140M of cost savings the following year with the program

Data Driven Decision

Supported objective, accurate, creating data driven reporting

Standardized CSR Reporting 

supported robust corporate sustainability reports

Executive Summary


Site water management and reclaim accounting was difficult to align on at a corporate level due to unique site configurations and differing definitions for water conservation between each site. The client lacked the tools to gain clarity on each site’s water management schemes and make data driven decisions in support of achieving their aggressive sustainability goals. They required an in-depth understanding of the water systems, their interconnectivity, and the nuances of the effects associated with the performance. This type of understanding was constrained by the access to valid data and the availability of the appropriate expertise to diagnose issues and define the opportunities.


Sustainability reporting for one advanced semiconductor manufacturer in support of ESG goals was difficult due to the lack of uniformity across the company. Goals were hard to drive as an organization due to the quantity and complexity of the data.


Using the FTD Water Management Application (WMA) combined with world class customer success experts, FTD

  • developed digital twins of all the client’s global sites and validated the modeling data, considering capacity, reliability, compliance, and other factors

  • built customized dashboards that summarized and compared KPIs from each site into a format of the user’s choice

  • provided WMA viewer access to the client team so that each team member could review the same change-controlled models

  • conducted a comprehensive analysis of the site-specific conditions, boundaries, and priorities

  • developed digital twins for the desired state, including the strategies for how to get there for several sites

  • for select sites, FTD developed recommendations for the specific solutions to be implemented and the provided the roadmap for the execution


The output of the WMA supported objective, accurate, data driven reporting that gave confidence to management, provided understanding of year-over-year improvements and supported a robust corporate sustainability report. To date, over 8 billion gallons of water have been saved per year with a single year savings of over $60M.

10+ Sites

Corporate Sustainability Support



Project Name

Project Scale

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