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Polish System Particle Reduction

Testing to identify best-in-class UPW polish system components


3 Unit Operations

Polish System Particle Reduction


Project Name

Project Scale


The degasifiers and ion exchangers in the UPW polish system were identified as the sources of particles that led to defects at the wafer. The goal of the project was to identify and test alternative technologies and materials for these unit operations to improve polish water quality and support improved yield. Given the increasing difficulty to control particles in UPW due to the inability to measure them at the killer size, it is particularly important to eliminate, or at least reduce the sources of the particles in the UPW Polish system.


State-of-the-art particle metrology was used for the experimental work. SEMI C93 standard was used as a reference for the IX resin analysis. FTD Developed a new testing process for understanding risk to particle shedding during resin regeneration. This resulted in the identification of a need to change the type of resin used in the primary loop. Developed a new testing process to understand capability of resins to either shed or uptake trace metals.

SEMI F104 was used as reference for the particle shedding from the degas materials. A detailed DOE (design of experiment) was developed and coordinated to incorporate both SEMI Standards and actual fab operating conditions. Performed dynamic rinses of different degasification technologies to determine the lowest particle shedding technology available.


Testing and analytical capabilities on the client site were not adequate to the need. External resources were needed to bring focus to this critical task.


As result of this testing, FTD was able to identify the best-in-class resin for use at the client facility and developed recommendations for quality control and changes to the ion exchange system to support the use of best-in-class resin. Identification of risk associated with different degasification technologies within the client systems was done and recommendations for changing the systems to allow for the usage of best in class degasification technologies were developed. Planned upgrades will protect yield and position the fabs for the next generation of technology. This project demonstrated the value of a systematic approach to technology development and the benefit of using SEMI standard methods for the analysis of materials.

Ultrapure Water


Design of Experiments

Feasibility Studies





Client Organization

Technology Development

Technology Development

Ultrapure Water


Design of Experiments

Feasibility Studies





Technology Development

Client Organization

Technology Development


3 Unit Operations

Polish System Particle Reduction


Project Name

Project Scale

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